Monday, 17 November 2008
1... Coldplay
2... Radiohead
3... The Beatles
4... Metallica
5... Red Hot Chili Peppers
TOP 5 tracks on
1... Coldplay – Viva la Vida
2... Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire
3... Coldplay – Violet Hill
4... MGMT – Time to Pretend
5... MGMT – Kids
TOP 5 blogs according to hype machine...
1... This Recording
2... Ingrained Refrains
3... The World Forgot
4... PHASE02
5... music is art
TOP 5 blogged about artists according to hype machine...
1... Cut Copy
2... Kanye West
3... Mgmt
4... Little Joy
5... Chromeo
WELL that was very informative!
hope you liked it. xxxxxxxxx
PS. december's finish line is around the corner, and the november's should be in shops this weekend!
Sunday, 16 November 2008
i have just realised, how utterly horrible would it be to misspell your myspace url. one time i did do an incredibly complicated url for piczo that i got off a book, but that's different; you can change them.
now for some music!
earlier i stumbled all but accidentally onto this:
Discover The Killers!
yes it's by the killers, and yes it's not from their first/second albums which could be seen as really their only good records, but it's still pretty ace for the boys with a k. i'm not very good at reviewing things, but i'd say this is almost an extra part for bones. the same synthy wallpaper, the same vocal furniture. why isn't it boring then? welllllll! it's catchy, has nice lyrics and is generally pretty gooooood! you should listen, you really should.
Discover Albert Hammond Jr!
niiiiiiiice comforting guitar riffs and great bass too. imagine if foals ditched the uber-annoying yannis and spent more time around the campfire. they'd probably sound something like this. or maybe if you put the whitest boy alive and the strokes in a pot and hung it over an au-natural fire for a while, prodded them with a wooden spoon everytime you remember to, you'd probably serve up a big bowl of tasty albert hammond jr. seconds? i should hope so.
Discover Au Revoir Simone!
who loves au revoir simone? WE DO! and this latest album, reverse migration, is a collection of all the brilliant remixes their arty fab friends have done. if you only listen to one, listen to number 2. it's great! or even better, listen to them all i say.
oh and ALSO, more favourites to be added in a minute
and music lovers, go to they're cooooooooool
Thursday, 13 November 2008
especially so when connected to a printer
set it to black and white, and wahey! your own personal photocopier, a discovery (perhaps more of a no-brainer) that i am fully enjoying/taking advantage of.
watch out, issue 8 is going to be fuuullll of art
now for some morbid poetry.
i 'm standing
on a spot
where 5 years ago
a woman died.
another family trouble
piled high
on a quivering tower
of her other living furniture.
in the morning
her car stayed in its garage
her skirt suit stayed in its dry cleaners bag
her family troubles stayed in their beds
and her blood curdled
in the dust
beneath the floorboards
the night before,
a kitchen implement
implemented a brand new meaning
to the reason
it was forged
and suddenly,
a creeping
swelling pool
of not so eternal lifeforce
found friend in a foreign sanctuary
past the heart
of a form
to the heart
of a home.
between the floorboards
over wood
and brick alike
memories, past
and thought
where i am standing
where 5 years ago
a woman died.
Monday, 10 November 2008
november - NUMERO 7
also on myspace!
how exciting
as pheobe so eloquently puts it, the issue will be out in print when my printer wakes up and smells the ink
costume time
- future dance robot confirmed to feature on cassette release numero 2
- in fact cassette release numero 2 in future
- november still running into technical hurdles. canon are really shit at making printers.
- the scanned november version should be up tonight or tomorrow latest
- pheobe, felix, ewan, keina and possibly BMCS to feature in december. this is going to be acccceeeeee! a christmas present in it's own right.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
SWIMS at london barfly!
here's a lovely tv video showcase on the guys at their recent gig supporting pete and the pirates (yes, pete and the blooming pirates, kings of lovely music, very good live, part of the reason peggy sue are so called...) at the london barfly.
what-ho boyo, they're getting big. and rightfully so, i say.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
thought you'd like to know

last night i watched this. it is one hell of a good film! you should, should, should get it out on lovefilm asap. really, do
Saturday, 1 November 2008
"if you like oompa loompas
listen to my profile song
it seriously reminds me of charlie's time in that chocolate factory
so happy!
my hair do's come out which is rather a sizeable shame, i did love it so
i suppose i'll do it again tomorrow
and take the hairspray out with me
but honestly
i hairsprayed my hair so it looked like how the singer in new young pony club used to have it and now chloe sevigny or whichever annoying model it is who has half their head shaved
(i stand corrected, lovely chani of house of it reminds me it is actually alice delaal, an equally annoyingly over-hyped piece of furniture. though i am sure miss layzell would disagree slightly)
it looked reminiscent of that
and then it's only just come out
if you want hairspray
get hold it by catwalk
no joke
1.there's loads of it in the bottle/spraycan/thing
i fed my cat and not a single hair-sprayed strand of hair moved
wow that's a long bulletin
i'm off on a joyful crusade against boredom with a fairy wand, hairsprayey hair and a film called the illusionists
and of course
my supra boring book
this is amazing
when i nicked an art book from miss smith
i never knew this would sprout from the pages like a beautiful if slightly prit sticky flower
i really am leaving now
leave me comments
i'm so close to 2000 it's unreal

department of eagles^^^
on mildly less self-indulgent shores, department of eagles released their second album earlier this month and my GOSH is it good.
yes. it's very good. very very good. but i won't go on about these guys too much as they've bagged themselves a charming little slot in november's edition, so you'll have to read that instead if you want to know more. or you could go on their website. personally, i'd read mine, but only because i doubt anyone else will. how depressing :(

'In Ear Park' was released on 7th oct. on 4AD records.
that was the shining section for your lovely ears, now for the similarly charming eyes.
his tetris project
guillaume reynold is a swiss bloke who is seriously, seriously cool. if you're a fan of those 'old skool' video games then hop over to youtube and czech him out NOW. not later, now!
his human stop-animation performances have gained him various awards, and there was a bzzzzz after him at Bellaurd, the French festival, that a full hive of bees would have been asking for from good old father christmas in less than 2 months time (!). he;s even taken to the skies in reincarnations of hasbro transformers, going nuts with a remote controlled blimp over 22 cars, buses, lorries and trains all driving together in open ground.
but even though he readily admits to not even liking console games let alone owning one as a child, he spent hours in his youth developing his very own games via his commodore-64 pc. he says the goal of his project is in fact not to create works for the internet but to “create images or animated videos by reassembling people who have no relationship with contemporary art.”, an intention that might just answer why most of his human pixels in his recreation of Pong are defiantly sitting and have been able to sit for nye-on 90 years a-piece.
his projects develop on popular culture, games, movies and legends “because almost everyone can identify something already known or seen. I don't need to explain the rules. For my TRANSFORMERS series, my goal was just to use the name as a generic term known by the world community that describes vehicles ‘transforming’ into robots.”
all his works are filmed during festivals, and he aims to involve the public, for example in the second of his transformers series he wanted to “honour and run together all the city services. 22 vehicles including firemen, police, roads, parks and gardens, ambulance, garbage were mobilised together with 40 people for 5 hours. it was shot and shown for the festival images'08 in vevey, switzerland.”
after quickly snapping an aerial shot with a small blimp, everybody disassembles again to start something completely new, maybe another robot, or face, or an accusing looking egg-plant, who knows?! but whatever he does, we know it'll be big. very big. very, very big. so keep your eye on satellite images over the next few months for anything... interesting!