Thursday, 13 November 2008


scanner are quite possibly the most ingenious invention ever
especially so when connected to a printer
set it to black and white, and wahey! your own personal photocopier, a discovery (perhaps more of a no-brainer) that i am fully enjoying/taking advantage of.
watch out, issue 8 is going to be fuuullll of art

now for some morbid poetry.

i 'm standing
on a spot
where 5 years ago
a woman died.

another family trouble
piled high
on a quivering tower
of her other living furniture.

in the morning
her car stayed in its garage
her skirt suit stayed in its dry cleaners bag
her family troubles stayed in their beds
and her blood curdled
in the dust
beneath the floorboards

the night before,
a kitchen implement
implemented a brand new meaning
to the reason
it was forged

and suddenly,
a creeping
swelling pool
of not so eternal lifeforce
found friend in a foreign sanctuary
past the heart
of a form

to the heart
of a home.

between the floorboards
over wood
and brick alike
memories, past
and thought
where i am standing
where 5 years ago
a woman died.

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