has anyone else had that horrible 'safe drive, stay alive' presentation?? isn't it horrific! we had a different drama production on safe driving a while ago which was dreadful enough, but this new one today had a proper reinactment! gosh it was traumatic. but it makes you think, i'm not a fan of cars anyway but when you see what car crashes do to people it makes the cons of driving seem massive. one of the people who talked to us about crashes was a fireman; one time, he went to the scene of where a car had collided with a train, and they had to collect up the body pieces left on the track. he found an ear, attached to a piece of skull. and what is really amazing is how these people seem to love their jobs! i can see the appeal, horrible as it must be you're saving lives and the feelings you must get from that must be amazing, but at the same time you're experiencing such harrowing circumstances. at any rate, really, do not drive if one of the 'fatal four' applies to you! and remember people, safe drive, stay alive!
Discover Guillemots!
yes, guillemots do actually have some good new songs after the disastrous 'get over it'!

apparently hope is back in! take it or leave it, seeing the silver lining is now unavoidable! so next time you're feeling a wee bit iffy, say thanks to your bus driver, wish the cashier a merry christmas, or go all out and buy someone some flowers. is this the best trend evaaaa? i think so.

you gotta love her. channel number 3 has never done better! rosemary shrager, we looove you
xxxxxxxxxz braw crimbo!
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